Madsonic 6.0 Sneak Peak

actual Release of Madsonic Server
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by techy89 »

As much as we all seem to hate a monthly plan to have to be able to pay for continued development of Madsonic and the Madsonic apps, unfortunately this project is now part of a business and this business and their employees must be able to keep working on this project as well as support themselves in their lives. The monthly plan seems like a bad thing, but it's a business and businesses gotta profit somehow in a way that is more of a guarantee. Advertising support wouldn't make enough , a small fee every time you upgrade is also not a guarantee for revenue. A user could choose not to upgrade, and that money would not be made. This is a business and money must be made somehow.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by chali »

techy89 wrote:As much as we all seem to hate a monthly plan to have to be able to pay for continued development of Madsonic and the Madsonic apps, unfortunately this project is now part of a business and this business and their employees must be able to keep working on this project as well as support themselves in their lives. The monthly plan seems like a bad thing, but it's a business and businesses gotta profit somehow in a way that is more of a guarantee. Advertising support wouldn't make enough , a small fee every time you upgrade is also not a guarantee for revenue. A user could choose not to upgrade, and that money would not be made. This is a business and money must be made somehow.


Ok introducing a monthly payment for new users as the original Subsonic done, But if you think to implement monthly payment for users who already bought the software once is nothing more than to blow people out of their money. (or are you intended to pay back the money to those who already paid for the full version?)
Personally, I really hope this is not the idea, considering how much me and others donated to this project, it would be a slap in the face to implement this.

/ Regards
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by boco »

Always fun to read an older Thread! :lol:

Madevil wrote:
Is Madsonic totaly free?

Madsonic always was and always will be free of any fee!

License & Third-party libraries

Madsonic is open-source software licensed under GPL.

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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by inf3c73d »

Here are my thoughts...

what I like:
rich in features

what I don't like:
very slow reaction on bug reports
almost no reaction on feature requests (most of the important things on the TODO list, are there for years)
precompiled (very hard to completely customize)
not so pretty frontend

I'm donator and paid user of subsonic. Like most of the others here I am also willing to pay for madsonic ... but in no case per month.
This product, no matter how much I like it, is far far away from premium quality and looks.

I don't mean to offend no one, but we need to be realistic.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by Ghizmo »

Hi Mad, hi all,

Monthly fees it's not a good idea. I sincerely regret you would go in this direction. You need money? Ok, launch a donation operation, you'll get money for sure, all of us are enjoy to use Madsonic and we all want to thank you and support you for offering us this product. But don't expect doing business with it, it's a dead end.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by j3tblk »

Chiming in here with my 2cents. I take the product and re-write most of it to function they way I want it to. I've donated repeatedly for tech support and for guidance when I was in over my head with coding but a monthly fee is going to drive me away. I'll just roll up my sleeves and do a bit more on my own. Good Luck!
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by KicknGuitar »

I hope you don't mind me chiming in on the biz-side too, Madevil, but I think a charge is reasonable but for those of us who feel "grandfathered in" it will be hard to ask for money. For example, a lot of the things I have been using were all from the MusicCab mod. The features I find key from MusicCab are only now being fully realized by your work and the vanilla Subsonic development. I am of the demographic that sees the MadSonic Premium not for me since it adds features I don't use, or care to use. Clearly you want to find a way to compete with Subsonic's offering so there needs to be a balance of paid/free but for a major update to Madsonic/Subsonic I would pay a one time 10/20 bucks if the update offers those key features from MusicCab just for the basic Madsonic.

Maybe this upcoming version should ask for a sliding scale donation/charge. A monthly charge or 1-time payment for more of the extras rather than a few. I think if you show honest, hard work and point out you need money, it would work out for you but I'm no economist nor business intellect so take my ideas with a grain of salt... Good luck with whatever may come.

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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by shivan »

i have mixed feelings. I want to support the new business, but I don't see anything in version 6 screenshots that impresses me that much to pay a monthly fee. The interface is the same look and feel. If i were to pay a monthly fee i would expect live lyrics, support for subs, tablet app with touch capability, much better support for movies, tv shows, etc. I would expect a professional, well polished, feature rich application that I could run on my phone, tablet, PC, NAS, etc. I love madsonic but probably not enough to pay a monthly fee.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by skopo »

I have mixed feelings also supporting new business is something I want to do but not with monthly fees. One time license for versio is enought. You could offer other features as additional services for those who would need those.
I have allways been do-it-yourself-guy , And I think many of Madsonic and Subsonic are. Madsonic can be made for newbies and for people who don't have a clue about internet things that feel basic to us. So i suggesting making version that is made for old users.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by muiz »

I stay with the old version. Not gpoing to pay each month.
Using it on the NAS wich has no updates for a long time.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by blablablabla »

I got one question:
Will it have a integration like Musiccabinet does?
So you can make an automatic playlist simliar to the artist you are actually listening to ( MC term "play artist radio)
and that you can make a random radio to a specific genre?

Also it should pull bibliography and stuff all from or another reliable source.

Thank you for your effort.
Let me know if I can buy you a beer.

as is see payment discussion ...:
I mean if we are on a very high level where nearly every feature is already implemented and so not so much regularly upgrade work is needed, then a moderate anually / monthly fee might be ok. It guarantees the support, the fix of bugs, the updates.
When you then ask for a onetime payment for a total new version with major new features, then it would be possible to have the other, annually/monthly fees low because you dont have to support the big developments with it.
So people can decide if they stay with the old version or not.

I would accept to pay a small amount because it is your time, your work and even if its your hobby it's not fair that you dont get nothign at all. But keep in mind that also for us users it's also a kind of hobby. If you need to pay too much one better switches to spotify or deezer.
Also I saw a lot of good projects disappear (like musiccabinet) and I would not like to see that happen again.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by humbahumba »


we are totally new to all the ***sonics. Just ran into this a few days ago and we LIKE it!

By reading this thread the decission between subsonic and madsonic isn't that clear anymore as we thought it would be. Madsonic has many, many settings that are over our heads by today - but we were looking for a media player/server that makes recommendations out of our own music library and the support of Sonos. Subsonic is much more userfriedly (to us) but does not offer recommendations.

soooo - one final question: What about SONOS support in madsonic? I can't see it in the comparing sheet.
As we have many Sonos player in use this would be essential.

and the answers to the question of blablablabla regarding would be interesting, too.

(btw: what do I need multiple server licences for?! Maybe I didn't understand the intention of ***sonic :? . And Plex is announcing a relaunch of their audio support these days ... maybe just wait. *sigh*)
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by Lars »

boco wrote:
Lars wrote: also - when i pay - i expect a flawless working product and support for stable versions. i wouldn't really consider myself a paying guineapig.
This cannot be stated enough! I absolutely love Madsonic and deal with the bugs present in all versions currently released. But, even the stable releases have bugs/flaws that have never been addressed. No big deal as the open source projects don't dig deeply into the wallet. If you start charging premium prices a more perfect product will be required.
don"t get me wrong. so do i. and i can see some kind of premium plan thing for it. as mentioned before, sth along the lines dns-forwarding, external players, some features (from my end - since i don"t really need them - podcast, the weird mood thingy, hell- the whole video area come to mind). i appreciate all the work done by madevil so far to improve on subsonic. lately it seems to be a little more one step forward, 2 back and fixes are not coming up very fast. maybe it would be good to concentrate on fixes to the existing problems at the moment, instead of trying to introduce new features. big payment plans are at the moment really not a good idea. i see where it comes from in general, lot of work invested and getting some payback. keep it with some, between donations and one or two tiers of payment (like pay per major release or for a life time key) within reasonable range. as i said before, i am expected to pay monthly i expect a (semi) perfect product with pro-level support. it would go against my understanding of open source idea. it would be also more than likely that somebody else takes the project, forks it and keeps going from there. you would lose most likely quite some of the community support and i doubt enough money would be generated at this point to compensate that by hiring some paid software geeks. also, lets not forget there are alternatives out there still like xbmc/ kodi and some more free and paid.
i like madsonic cause it kinda does what i need it to do and i am used to it over the years and the stages (subsonic, madsonic). there used to be kplaylist before for me, others used ampatche and maybe somebody will fork it to ""futuresonic"" and build on all of it for free again, if madsonic goes the heavy pay-way. one issue even now is the rather sluggish support (wiki, forum etc). if ppl don"t get help reasonable fast they look for other solutions. if paid, i see this going down even more in the forum. a wiki mentions-worthy does not even exist at this point. paid software without proper support is kinda doomed to begin with. also a subsonic problem this days.


cheers, L
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by DoCC »

don't forget : mad is on his own.
he does not generate this much money for making madsonic his primary working object. there is the bloody RL we all know. XD

yeah the users are sometimes a buch of god dammned bitches ... if there is no solution within some seconds most of them will get bored and mad .
these are endusers. they do not know any other way to help them selves.

mad, gurutech and someothers ( including me ) are developers. we see things different. we have an other style / way to get broken things done.
some times i guess, the board is a place where some ppl with deeper knowledge have a place to talk surrounded by a lot of DAUs ^^

i wont pay anything either, i will have to wait till the las 5420 source is ready to fork . IF mad wont implement the things we have told him : P
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by tycoonbob »

I feel all of my concerns have been addressed already, but I still want to echo my concerns about a monthly subscription.
  • I've used Madsonic pretty much from day one, and was previously using Subsonic prior to that. Once Subsonic went to a monthly subscription, I had no desire to go back to it.
  • I've donated a total 3 times over the past 1.5 years to this project.
  • I have no interest in paying a monthly subscription to use a product that I am hosting myself. I have no problem paying a one-time fee for major versions, but with a paid product I expect better support, less bugs, and more/newer features.
  • I've been running 5.1.5150 for several months now, and for the most part, I am quite happy with it. The only thing truly missing for me, is Sonos integration. Video playing is still a little buggy, but music streaming is solid. Speaking of Sonos integration, Subsonic has that now. If there is going to be a monthly subscription that I end up paying, I would probably switch back to Subsonic purely for the Sonos integration.
I understand the need to make money from the time spent on this, but I'm just not interested in a subscription model. Add Sonos support and I'd gladly pay $79 for a lifetime license. Maybe more, depending on the future direction of this project.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by strawdragon »

No new updates on 6? or 5.2?

I am still not into a monthly fee otherwise I would go to Plex.
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by utopian »

yeah no updates in a while..what's occurring ?
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by cgar »

Yea any chance of a progress update or estimate on when the next release, beta or full or whatever, will be?
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by Saklasklas222 »

is this project dead?
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Re: Madsonic 6.0 Beta1

Post by shivan »

I did say it was dead but it looks like Madevil posted a newsletter. Maybe that will have some info.